A middle-aged woman wheels an enormous cheese trolley into her opulent living room for her sadistic husband to enjoy, but when she lifts the dome she finds it is full of grass.
A lanky priest is mistaken for a fishmonger and is harangued by a crone over the cost of some diseased chub. The priest cries eventually.
A local bearded mayor is sexually aroused by the thought of a washer woman playing a piano sonata in a pig sty. In his excitement he falls off a ledge.
St. Sebastian catches all the arrows fired at him while laughing uproariously, showing the remains of a lamb shank caught in his teeth. The Mauritanian archer is so enraged he immediately flees and starts shucking corn.
A sly ghost tries to purchase a used Winnebago using a small bag of old teeth, but is unnerved by the sounds of wailing emitting from the assistant manager’s office. A horse cries eventually.
The Swiss Ambassador rails against the tyranny of gravity and attempts to live the rest of his life gently floating above the carpet until a defrocked doctor grounds him with talk of his bowel routine.
An enormous graduating class of veterinarian students slowly dwindles as each is called away to comfort a struggling ox. Once alone, the professor is frustrated by his young lover who wears a bodice made of lava.
A monk gets lost in a pear orchard, where he is continually tempted by a nun dressed as a frigid cloud. As he approaches her, he is spirited away by ants.
A gaggle of exhausted orgiasts emerge from a cave and try to board a dingy, but are thwarted by the Catholic church.
A distended street musician is tricked by a spider into giving his beloved hurdy-gurdy to a group of millionaires hiding in a nearby tree. His monkey cries eventually.
The greedy church organist accidentally soils his priest’s favorite cassock when he uses it to lure a stray goat into his rickshaw. Then his mother laughs at him.
Fernando is pursued by a jealous lake who he has been cheating on with a nearby fjord. He tries to hide within an advertising poster for off-brand hair conditioner but soon realizes this is unreasonable. The lake cries eventually.