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Articles by
Chandler Dean
Chandler Dean is a comedy writer/performer based in New York City, originally from Houston, Texas. You can find his standup, sketches, and hastily-conceived political commentary on his YouTube channel, ChandlerDeanVideos.
January 21, 2025I Am a Disappointed Trump Voter Who Was Told It Would Be the Past by Now
November 7, 2024Lessons Democrats Can Learn from Trump’s Flawlessly Executed 2024 Campaign
October 17, 2024The Real Thirteen Keys for Winning the White House
June 17, 2024How to Respectfully Decline an Invitation to a Social Obligation You Simply Do Not Feel Like Attending
May 22, 2024How to Craft a Eulogy When All You Want to Do Is Crawl in a Hole
May 1, 2024How to Do Really Really Well at Show-and-Tell
April 16, 2024How to Roast Your Friend Just Enough That They’ll Want to Remain Your Friend
March 29, 2024How to Concede an Election While Making It Clear That Your Ideas Are Objectively Better
March 8, 2024How to Accept an Award Without Making Your Voters Regret It
February 26, 2024How to Give a Wedding Toast Without Annoying Hundreds of Hungry Guests
February 7, 2024How to Give a Toast to a Departing Coworker
January 22, 2024How to Nail Your High School Graduation Speech Even If You’re Not That Popular
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