The Believer Magazine
Articles by
Jeff Drake
Jeff Drake is a Los Angeles-based TV writer, who has written for I’m Sorry on TruTV and Central Park on AppleTV+. He has four kids (all boys) and nearly as many pets. Honestly, it’s a lot.
September 10, 2024But What If I Don’t Care for Hope and Joy?
April 4, 2024Can I Interest You in a Brand-New Sparkling Water Brand?
March 22, 2024The Wong-Baker Pain Rating Scale Adjusted for Ghostbusting
November 9, 2023This Week’s Punctuation Power Rankings
April 7, 2023Congratulations on Catching the Real Easter Bunny
November 8, 2017How to Make a Sandwich
September 21, 2015Who’s a Good Boy!
February 7, 2014The Sochi Tourism Board Presents: Tips and Tricks For Olympic Athletes and Fans
November 20, 2006Alternate Titles for O.J. Simpson’s New Book
November 16, 2006Classic Titles We Tried to Turn Into Fake Titles for O.J.‘s New Book That Turned Out to Sound Too Much Like Real Titles for O.J.’s New Book
February 24, 2006But I’d Really Have To Kill You
May 10, 2005Dispatches From Couples Therapy
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