Dear reader,

Consult the stack of reading material teetering on your nightstand or coffee table, and I hope you’ll find something from McSweeney’s 24-year literary legacy of independent publishing. A novel, an issue of our award-winning McSweeney’s Quarterly, Illustoria, or The Believer. Or maybe your phone is bookmarked on our legendary gourd essay this time of year.

Show your commitment to McSweeney’s writers and readers by making a donation today.

For nearly a quarter-century, we’ve been finding the most original voices in contemporary writing, designing and packaging them in their most resplendent form, and delivering these ever-more-rare paper goods to your mailboxes and local bookshops.

People like you are the way we’ve survived the digital revolution, the recent pandemic, and the ever-more-demanding landscape for print magazines and books. Sales comprise about 80 percent of what we need to keep our frugal budget in the black; grants and donations from loyal readers comprise the rest.

We wouldn’t have it any other way. Standing shoulder to shoulder with our corps of donors and friends is why we’re here. Cultural resources are fragile. Our strength comes from the vibrant support of our community of readers and writers, who believe in our work and invest in it, and who find hope, joy, and something real and rare in the pages we publish.

Thank you for being part of McSweeney’s and for considering a one-time donation now or a monthly commitment as part of our Patreon community. You’re an important part of our essential literary legacy of 24 years and counting.

Amanda Uhle
Publisher & Executive Director

p.s. Want to know more about what we do and how you can take part? Please email me; I love to hear from our readers and supporters.