1. In Which I Fix My Girlfriend’s Grandparents’ WiFi and Am Hailed as a Conquering Hero
by Mike Lacher (1/20/12)
2. An Open Letter to People Who Judge My Single, Post-College Lifestyle
by Cleo Plagg (3/2/12)
3. Jamie and Jeff’s Birth Plan
by Paul William Davies (6/28/2012)
4. Hello Stranger On the Street, Could You Please Tell Me How to Take Care of My Baby?
by Wendy Molyneux (8/16/12)
5. Lines from The Princess Bride that Double as Comments on Freshman Composition Papers
by Jennifer Simonson (2/23/12)
6. The World’s First and Only Completely Honest Résumé of a Graphic Designer
by Marco Kaye (6/4/12)
7. Airplane Passengers as Explained By Their Pants
by Wendi Aarons (5/4/12)
8. Sexting Ice Breakers for English Grad Students
by Hollie Adams (1/4/12)
9. Hipster Logic Problems
by Larry Fleury (3/8/12)
10. My Grading Scale for the Fall Semester, Composed Entirely of Samuel Beckett Quotes
by Matt Bell (8/31/12)