Give a man a fish pose and you strain his neck for a day, but teach a man a fish pose and you ensure that he is pretty sure he’s doing it wrong for the rest of his life.
If the mountain pose won’t come to Mohammad, because it’s really just standing up very straight and no matter how hard he tries he just doesn’t understand how it counts as a pose, Mohammad must go back to the beginners’ class.
It is easier in camel pose to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get a spot in that Bikram class with the celebrity instructor on the Upper East Side.
It’s the squeaky wheel pose that gets all the attention from the instructor while the rest of the class suffers in silence.
If a tree pose falls in the middle of class, and everyone pretends not to notice because yoga is completely non-competitive, does it make a sound of disapproval?
Even if you are absolutely adamant that you will never, ever return to this yoga studio to be overcharged, insulted, and stuffed into a tiny room full of smelly hipsters, don’t burn your bridge pose.
No matter how much your yoga pants cost, we’re all in the same boat pose.