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Articles by
Anthony DeThomas
Anthony DeThomas is a former congressional speechwriter who reclaimed his soul writing humor. His humor writing is featured in McSweeney’s, Points in Case, Slackjaw, and the bowels of the Congressional Record.
December 11, 2024An Imagined Conversation Between the People Who Designed Urban Apartment Balconies
July 3, 2024How I Imagine the Drafting of the Declaration of Independence Would Have Gone If the Founders Had Been Eating Buffalo Chicken Pizza
March 13, 2024What I Think It’s Like Working at a Company That Makes Condoms
March 31, 2022Thanks for Meeting Me at This Treaty Negotiation and Hot Wings Challenge
June 2, 2021I’m a Sports Coach and I’m Pretty Sure This Is How I’m Supposed to Use the Squeaky Doodle Board Thing