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Carrie Wittmer
Carrie Wittmer is a comedy writer, satirist, journalist and occasional stand-up comedian. By day, she writes for the entertainment team at Business Insider, focusing primarily on television coverage. She lives in Brooklyn with her very photogenic dog, and is a co-founder and editor of the comedy and satire site for female writers, The Belladonna. Carrie’s first book, New Erotica for Feminists based off the McSweeney’s piece of the same name, comes out in November 2018.
July 19, 2019Hemingway’s “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn” Re-Imagined By Other Authors
January 7, 2019This Workplace Is a Family Now, Dammit
June 19, 2018At Last, Gender-Flipped Movies for Him
February 6, 2018New Erotica for Feminists
September 7, 2016Boyfriend Application for High Profile Celebrity
July 26, 2016Welcome to Teen Island!