The Believer Magazine
Family Practice:
An Occasional Column by
“Dr.” Amy Fusselman
Amy Fusselman is not a doctor. She will occasionally write about issues relevant to those trying to live harmoniously in a nuclear family system.
Amy’s books, The Pharmacist’s Mate and 8 are available in our store. Her new book, Savage Park is out now. She also edits the art and literary journal Ohio Edit.
March 10, 2016Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: Should You Get Your Kid a Cellphone? A Guide
December 3, 2015Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: I Wanna Be Your Grandma-Mom
January 16, 2015Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: The Great Cookbook Breakdown, Part 3: On Imagining
November 4, 2014Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: The Great Cookbook Breakdown, Part 2: Cookbooks for Daydreamers
October 7, 2014Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: The Great Cookbook Breakdown, Part 1
January 14, 2014Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: On Becoming More Terrible
October 1, 2013Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: On RONR
July 23, 2013Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: On Holding Steady
June 4, 2013Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: Restaveks and the Uneaten Lunch
May 13, 2013Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: The Crosswalk, Plus, A Wormhole
April 19, 2013Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: On Needing to Put on Your Shoes
March 7, 2013Family Practice: An Occasional Column by “Dr.” Amy Fusselman: On Eyes, Ears, and Marriage
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