“It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.” – Republican Senator Bob Corker via Twitter, 10/8/17
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Dear White House presidential care givers, please see the updated list of daily activities, keeping in mind that the ever-changing personnel may affect selection:
- Mud flinging
SpicerHuckabee piggyback rides
- Unlimited screen time
- “Lock her up!” sing-along
- Golf
- Snack time
Yoga with Steve Bannon
- Nicknames workshop
- Revisionist history story time with Dinesh D’Souza
- Snack time II
- Sitting in a big truck pretending to drive
Private jet rides with Tom Price
- Executive-order signing
- Golf
- Bill signing (TBD)
- Snack time III
- Make believe with Fox and Friends
Reince Priebus’s dunk tank
- General Kelly’s time out corner
- Circular firing squads
- Snack time IV
- Cultural war-craft with
Sebastian GorkaStephen Miller
- Hide and seek with Robert Mueller
- Stunt football protests with Vice President Pence
- Golf
- Base rallying
Making friendship bracelets for Vladimir Putin with Michael Flynn
- Making friendship bracelets for Vladimir Putin with Rex Tillerson (check often for personnel updates)
- Paper-towel roll basketball
- 2016 presidential election electoral map coloring
- Snack time V
- Limited-time special events (“Repeal Obamacare I,” "Repeal Obamacare II, “Scaramucci Week,” “Repeal Obamacare III”)
- Nuclear code button hunting
- Golf