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Elly Lonon
Elly Lonon is a writer living in New Jersey. In addition to her gently neglected blog her work has appeared on a disappointing number of now defunct sites. Her Amongst the Liberal Elite columns inspired the graphic novel of the same name — Amongst the Liberal Elite: The Road Trip Exploring Societal Inequities Solidified by Trump. When she isn’t writing wrongs and juggling her progeny, she enjoys torturing small stringed instruments.
August 29, 2024Fashion Socks for Middle Age
January 10, 2024If Zeus Had Instagram
September 24, 2020Campaign Donations Amongst the Liberal Elite
June 23, 2020Facial Hair Amongst the Liberal Elite
April 14, 2020Social Distancing Amongst the Liberal Elite
March 5, 2020Pandemic Preparation Amongst the Liberal Elite
January 17, 2020Cable News Interviews Amongst the Liberal Elite
December 17, 2019Impeachment Coverage Amongst the Liberal Elite
November 26, 2019How to Prepare a Thanksgiving Meal Without Offending Anyone
October 23, 2019Amongst the Liberal Elite: Flu Shots Amongst the Liberal Elite
September 26, 2019Amongst the Liberal Elite: Impeachment Inquiries Amongst the Liberal Elite
August 12, 2019Amongst the Liberal Elite: Gun Reform Amongst the Liberal Elite
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