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July 10, 2020Jury Deliberations In a Highly Contentious Murder Trial or Potty Training a Toddler?
May 14, 2020United States v. Barack Hussein Obama: The Obamagate Indictment
April 18, 2019You Are Hereby Sentenced to Attend a Music Festival
August 5, 2016Objection, Your Honor! It’s Time For My Moving, Heartfelt Closing Speech in This Movie About a Trial!
August 5, 2015The Jury Requests Another Day to Deliberate—Not Just to Keep Hanging Out With Paul McCartney
August 26, 2011An Open Letter to My Italian Slacks That Ripped at the Seam Just Prior to Deposition
June 21, 2010The State of California v. Mr. Miyagi, Regarding Daniel LaRusso, aka, “Daniel-San,” aka, the Orginal “Karate Kid.”
May 3, 2010This Really Nice Suit is Going to Get Me Acquitted
May 8, 2008Court Cases With Which I Am Familiar
November 13, 2007An Inarticulate, Self-Consciously Ironic Voice of His Twentysomething Generation Makes an Opening Statement for His Client in a Corporate-Fraud Case
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