ECON 212: Fluctuations in the Buillon market
ENGL 442: Post-structuralist Decay and the Hermeneutics of Land-lubbing
ENGL 515: Lawless Scallywags and Counter-hegemonic Narratives
LING 224: Sign and signifier: Chomsky on Arrrrr
LING 310: Semiotics of the Jolly Roger
MATH 348: Game Theory and the Albatross
MED 458: Extemporaneous Prosthetics: Pegs and Hooks
PHIL 360: Epistemology of Davy Jones Locker
PHIL 390: Dancing the Hempen Jig: The Ethics of Capital Punishment
PHYS 220: Directional Combustion and Projectile Motion
PLSC 216: Filthy Bilge Rats: the Aleatory Class System on the High Seas
REL 336: Yam Gods of the Barbary Coast
SOC 212: All Hands on Deck: a Marxist Approach to Piracy and Leadership
SOC 469: Captain Jack and Captain Jim: Heteronormativity and the Modern Pirate
SOC 740: A Post-feminist Approach to the Mayor’s Daughter