- Not milk (too obvious).
- Something like bread, but not bread exactly; maybe bread-shaped?
- Deli sandwich/pointed political commentary — white bread, halal meats, and kosher pickles (get it?); but no cheese, because of a lactose intolerance.
- Regionally specific boxed candy from the 1980s that you either remember from your childhood or you have to look up on Wikipedia.
- Two bottles of strawberry PediaSure, and a callback reference to the decision not to get milk.
- A consideration of the fact that the lactose intolerance was only mentioned during the deli sandwich and not during the milk.
- A bizarre non sequitur-like panty hose or shoe polish — something related to feet.
- One bar of soap — for a total of eight items, a full two items shy of the expected list of ten, which leaves us room for impulse purchases at the express line and still make the ten items or less requirement.