Steve Bannon, Andrew Puzder, Corey Lewandowski, Rob Porter, Donald Trump—
White House officials accused of domestic abuse!
Pornography, Chicago, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, bad parenting, bad FBI, Barack Obama—
What pro-gun advocates blame as the main reasons for gun violence!
Identity theft, failure to disclose foreign assets, money laundering, false statements, conspiracy—
Real life Mueller probe indictments!
“Never been a part of our campaign,” “Committed crime years ago,” “Just a coffee boy,” “Has nothing to do with the President”—
Trump administration claims about men indicted in the Mueller probe!
John Podesta, spirit cooking, exposing the evil, Wikileaks, Pokemon Go—
Trending Twitter Hashtags Just Before the 2016 Election!
Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, Roger Stone, Dana Rohrabacher, Pamela Anderson—
People who praise Julian Assange!
Steve Mnuchin, Scott Pruitt, Tom Price, David Shulkin, Ryan Zinke, Ben Carson—
White House officials who spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on luxury travel and furniture!
“Dumb as shit,” “An idiot surrounded by clowns,” “The intelligence of a kindergartener,” “Fucking idiot,” “Fucking moron,” "Treasonous—
Nicknames for President Trump from his inner circle!
Confederate pride, John Bolton, Blackwater, Roy Cohn—
Malevolent forces of evil which we thought were part of our shameful American past but which have somehow managed to resurface under this debauched administration!
Playboy Mansion pool party, Lake Tahoe Celebrity Golf Tournament, Lake Tahoe Celebrity Golf Tournament again—
Places Donald Trump hit on Playboy models and porn stars Karen McDougal, Stormy Daniels and Angel Ryan in 2006!
“That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back,” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump,” “Thank you, President Trump, for your honesty and courage”—
Things David Duke would say after a white supremacist murdered a woman in Charlottesville!
Wore a MAGA hat, stalked women, had a swastika carved into his gun—
Things that describe the Parkland shooter!
Opioid epidemic, 357 million firearms, climate denial, tax breaks for the obscenely wealthy—
Things billions of lobbyist dollars can buy!
“Corporations are people”—
What Neil Gorsuch would say!
“Please stay away from me,” "Please stop trying to control my body, “Please stop grabbing my pussy,” “Please stop saying those things about your daughter”—
Things a woman might say to the GOP and to the President!
“I’m the only one who matters,” “Any negative polls are fake news,” “Haiti is a shithole,” “The media is the enemy,” “Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud,” “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 [Hillary Clinton] emails that are missing,” “My fingers are long and beautiful,” “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever,” “It’s freezing and snowing in New York — we need global warming,” “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her,” “I never ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter but simply showed him grovelling,” “You have to treat women like shit,” “I am going to be dating this ten-year-old in ten years,” “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything,” “Maybe I’ll be president for life”—
Things the President of the United States says!