As a black man, I agree.
As a white woman from Florida, I disagree.
As an East Asian woman from Milwaukee that plays electric bass, I agree.
As a Hispanic man from Oregon that plays standing cello and likes professional wrestling, I disagree.
As a white man from Texas that plays steel drums, dislikes professional wrestling, and can take ten shots before passing out, I agree.
As a black man from Nevada that plays the flute, likes professional wrestling, can take twelve shots, and hates The Last Jedi, I agree.
As a Native American woman from South Dakota that plays the harpsichord, likes professional wrestling, can take 8 shots, likes The Last Jedi, and believes Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer, I disagree.
As a half-South Asian, half-Ukrainian woman from New Jersey that doesn’t play an instrument, dislikes professional wrestling, can take nine shots, likes The Last Jedi, believes Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer, and can’t remember what we were originally talking about, I agree.
As a Madagascar-American man from an airbase in Guam that plays one of those recorders they give you in kindergarten, loves professional wrestling, can take three shots, dislikes The Last Jedi, believes Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer, can’t remember what we were originally talking about, and rides Disneyland’s Tower of Terror once a year, I agree.
As a Jamaican-American man from the Bronx that plays a down-tuned eight-string guitar to imitate Meshuggah, thinks Lucha Underground is the best show on television, can take ten shots of overproof rum, enjoys The Last Jedi but found the gambling planet extraneous, is absolutely certain Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer, cannot for the life of him remember what we were originally talking about, and hasn’t been to Disneyland since everyone’s mind snapped sometime halfway through 2015, I don’t see the point.