I leave work; ‘tis dark.
Just like it was this morning
When I got to work.
Do all those farmers
Really need that extra hour?
I’d like it back now.
When you say to me,
“Yay! An extra hour of sleep!”
I want to punch you.
“Fall back, Spring ahead”
Is a cute way of saying:
“Autumn is the worst.”
Those UVA lamps:
Are they really expensive?
‘Cause I wish I were dead.
When you don’t leave home
For 48 straight hours,
Pants are a moot point.
Four thirty p.m.
The sun has set in the sky.
Fuck this shit—wine time.
I can’t stop crying.
Why can I not stop crying?
I must stop crying.
The sun fades away.
I turn on all the house lights.
Nope. It’s not helping.