“The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy… ” — Elon Musk
I see Musk’s point. Empathy is destroying Western civilization, which is why it’s good that he and DOGE got rid of all those USAID programs around the world. Fending off starvation in Ethiopia and providing clean water in Colombia was completely crippling Western civilization, taking away precious funds we should be using to buy crypto.
Think about it this way: Every time we allow a certain kind of immigrant over our border, we may believe we’re being kind, but we’re actually sacrificing our culture and heritage. Yes, my grandparents were immigrants too, and sure, people said the same thing about them. And if I could somehow travel back in time, believe me, I, too, would not want them to come into this country. Ideally, this would create a whole new alternate timeline where we could just openly endorse being cruel motherfuckers without having to do any mental gymnastics to justify it, which is exhausting, to be honest.
Also, you should listen to the context of what Elon Musk was actually saying in his quote about human empathy. He was going on a perfectly normal rant about California. Then he pivoted to another rant lamenting how people automatically assume you’re an asshole if you vote Republican. This is so unfair and makes us feel like marginalized victims as we’re cheering on ICE while they harass brown people.
What Musk meant was that you need to care for your family, which is totally natural. If you take care of others at your family’s expense, this is called “suicidal empathy.” Now, let’s take that concept to a national level — every time we give welfare to someone struggling, that’s one less ski lesson for little Ashlynn. You understand? Suicidal empathy is why we have a $34 trillion national debt, and it’s not the low taxes on the wealthy that helped make Elon Musk worth $241 billion.
Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that Hannah Arendt quote: “The death of human empathy is one of the earliest and most telling signs of a culture about to fall into barbarism.” But it’s wrong of you to bring that up, because I happen to know that Arendt had sex with a Nazi. So when you cite that quote about empathy, you’re basically supporting a Nazi. Whereas the man I voted for probably never had sex with a Nazi, and his immigrant rhetoric only vaguely resembles the Führer’s.
Speaking of Nazis, they also famously eschewed empathy, but it’s really not fair to mention that now either, even though I just dredged up Hannah Arendt’s sex life. Besides, who can remember stuff that happened so long ago? I can’t even remember when Russia was considered the bad guy. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia — I just saw that on the Tucker Carlson Network.
At the dawn of humanity, Homo sapiens learned to cooperate with one other, extending our feelings of compassion to people outside our immediate tribes. With a shared sense of purpose, we were able to build villages, towns, and eventually nations. And now we’ve reached the next stage of human evolution, where compassion is for cucks. I wish liberals would stop blocking human progress.
And Western civilization is definitely worth saving, people. But not the liberal values part, of course. I don’t mean the democracy part either. Or the shared ethical values. Or that stuff Jesus said about love and forgiveness. The whole human rights thing is questionable too. Wait, what were we talking about again?
Oh yeah, saving Western civilization, which is priceless, just like my $TRUMP meme coin ever since he deregulated crypto. So let’s embrace being cruel, motherfuckers.