1. “It’s burned to a crisp with all our heart!”

2. “I see you’ve got your brand-new leopard skin pillbox hat!”

3. “Anytime, anywhere, just like your friend.”

4. “We’re going all the way until the wheels fall off and burn.”

5. “You might like to drink whiskey! Might like to drink milk! You might like to eat caviar!”

6. “The sentimental taste is cozy for the heroines in the town.”

7. “My mind was relaxed by attaching importance to the tradition.”

8. “You’ve got all the love, honeybaby, I can stand!”

9. “Teeth like pearls, shining like the moon above.”

10. “Relieve the relief and listen to the angel’s whisper.”

11. “If dishes are nice, the square ceiling becomes round.”

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1. Batard bread
2. from “Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat”
3. No-Brand Orange Punch
4. from “Brownsville Girl”
5. from “Gotta Serve Somebody”
6. Koedastick chocolate candy
7. Izumiya Confectionary Company
8. from “Buckets of Rain”
9. from “Brownsville Girl”
10. Angel Relief chocolate and bisquit cookies
11. a fondue pot box