At the dinner table after meeting your partners’ parents for the first time
In the middle of a movie theater, right as the title drops
At Bobby Vans, when asked what you want to drink
In a public restroom, with whoever is in the stall next to you
By your grandpa’s deathbed
When the officer asks you to step out of the car
At your grandpa’s funeral
With the Mariachi Band that just stepped onto the subway
In the afterlife with your grandpa
In the courtroom, as you wait for your bail to be set
At the supermarket with the cashier
At a job interview, when asked where you see yourself in 5 years.
At a PTA meeting
At a celebrity meet and greet with Tom Selleck
At a panel discussion on the values of capitalism
When you answer the door and it’s the Jehovah Witnesses
With the opposing coach at your son’s first tee-ball game
In a traffic jam, with the driver in the car next to you
During a half marathon, with everyone that passes you
In your nightly prayers
At the New Amsterdam Theatre, during the Wednesday matinee showing of Aladdin
With the busser at China Fun Buffet
In the court of Qin Shi Huang