Otis Tanouye is a ninth-grader at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School in Maryland. He wrote this during his school’s second lockdown in less than a week. Fortunately, no one was hurt during either of the lockdowns.

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’Twas the second damn lockdown, when all through the school
Several students were stirring, cuz lockdowns aren’t cool.
Two times in six days, wow, BCC.
Well, go off to “hide.” Yippee.

The kids were curled up by the side walls with care,
In hopes that no shooters would notice them there.
The children were nestled with back pain galore.
They collectively thought, “I’ve played these games before.”

Some kids wore hoodies, some wore a cap,
Some of them decided to just take a nap.
When the lockdown was called, there arose such a clatter,
The students checked Twitter to see what was the matter.

Taking out their AirPods and phones with a flash,
This is more boring than a middle school bash!
Some kids said, “You know what? Hell no,”
And into Bethesda those children did go.

When what to my bored-ass eyes should appear,
But a text from a friend that the SWAT team was here.
They entered the school so lively and quick,
Guess we’ll be here awhile. Can I leave if I say I’m sick?

More rapid than eagles, more Humvees came,
And our teacher told us to write down our names.
“Now, Otis! Now, David! Now, Ryan and Ken!”
They took our attendance till suddenly when—
To MCPD’s Twitter! To the top of the wall!
An announcement about a gun-related call?

So the texting continued, relaying the event,
So the texting continued, and the students did vent.

Finally, the announcement came on!
The lockdown is over; the threat may be gone!
Then they reported the police closed the case,
Happy lockdown to all, now shelter in place!