The Believer Magazine
Articles by
Sam Weiner
April 1, 2024The Riddle Master Hits Middle Age
April 5, 2022The 1%: We’re Just Like You
June 26, 2020What Your Car Dealer Says and What He Really Means
July 12, 2019They’re Still Freedom Fries to Me
May 24, 2019Why Superman Sucks
April 26, 2019Why I’m Leaving Marvel Universe’s New York
December 14, 2018Oprah’s Favorite Things, Unedited
August 27, 2018Yes, I Built an Exact Replica of the Bar From Cheers In My Basement and No, You Are Never Coming Down Here!
December 4, 2017Your Mass Shooting Thoughts and Prayers Are Accidentally Going to the Angry God of a Distant Planet
September 20, 2017Who I Am, In Order
February 21, 2017Welcome to Hillcrest: A Non-Judgmental, Non-Denominational Church of the Serpent
October 20, 2016Award Certificates for Modern Adults
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February 10, 2025Voting for the Mayor Who Promised to Blow Up the City Doesn’t Mean I Approve of the Mayor Blowing Up the City
February 21, 2025Don’t Tread on Me—Unless You’re a Billionaire with a Ketamine Addiction, in Which Case I Enthusiastically Support It
February 27, 2025“Democracy Dies in Darkness” Wasn’t a Warning; It Was Our End Goal
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March 3, 2025Other Things John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Wished People Shouted at Him
February 28, 2025An Open Letter to Lumon Industries Requesting to Please Kindly Insert the Severance Device in My Brain and Keep It on “Innie” Mode for the Next Four Years
February 28, 2025Excerpts from The Believer: Resurrector: Black Square
February 28, 2025The New Cair Paravel Times Editorial Board Reflects on the First Weeks of the White Witch’s Second Reign