Which multi-level marketing scheme Aunt Janice is into now
What Dan’s ex-fianceé is up to these days
Carl and Alan – gay, or just roommates?
Which diet everyone is going on as soon as this meal is over
Uncle Rick’s WebMD cancer diagnosis
At what point we consider someone an alcoholic
The moral superiority of people with rescue dogs
How much money I’d have if I’d gone to college in-state
How much money Uncle Rick would have if he’d bought Bitcoin
Who at the club has had work done
What vegan Claire can actually eat
Who gets the timeshare when Nana passes
Screen time for toddlers: the downfall of a generation, or the only way to get baby Cameron to shut the hell up?
Smartphones at the dinner table: the downfall of the modern family, or the only way to get Uncle Rick to shut the hell up?
When I’m planning on starting a family (so Mom can get a head start on some needlepoint projects)
Star Wars spoilers
Is Nascar a sport?