“Don’t you want to join us?” I was recently asked by an acquaintance when he ran across me alone after midnight in a coffeehouse that was already almost deserted. “No, I don’t,” I said.1

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You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still, and solitary.2

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You are unfit for any human relationship.3

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Forget everything. Open the windows. Clear the room. The wind blows through it. You see only its emptiness, you search in every corner and don’t find yourself.4

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Incapable of living with people, of speaking. Complete immersion in yourself, thinking of yourself. Have nothing to say to anyone — never.5

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Shut yourself off from everyone to the point of insensibility. Make an enemy of everyone, speak to no one.6

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Have hardly anything in common with yourself and stand very quietly in a corner, content that you can breathe.7

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The fact that no one knows where you are is your only happiness. If only you could prolong this forever!8

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Beyond a certain point there is no return. This point has to be reached.9

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In man’s struggle against the world, bet on the world.10

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1 The Diaries 1910-1923

2 The Blue Octavo Notebooks

3 Letters to Felice, slightly edited by the author

4 The Diaries 1910-1923

5 The Diaries 1910-1923, slightly edited by the author

6 The Diaries 1910-1923, slightly edited by the author

7 The Diaries 1910-1923, slightly edited by the author

8 Letters to Felice, slightly edited by the author

9 The Blue Octavo Notebooks

10 The Blue Octavo Notebooks