Mansion: Moaning in the middle of the night
Airbnb: Changing the Wi-Fi password to alternate between zero and the letter O, like “00OO0O000O”

Mansion: Shouting, “Get out!”
Airbnb: Giving commands via posters, like EAT or LIVE LAUGH LOVE.

Mansion: Creating panic in their minds over the course of months
Airbnb: Inducing a nagging feeling over the course of hours that they forgot something at home

Mansion: Disappearing before their eyes
Airbnb: Being very responsive until they check in and then ghosting them

Mansion: Moving their possessions around
Airbnb: Storing a colander behind the television and maple syrup in the shower

Mansion: Creating cold spots in the room
Airbnb: Producing hot and cold spots throughout the unit with a broken thermostat

Mansion: Leaving riddles to help you leave this plane of existence
Airbnb: Providing directions to the Airbnb, such as “It’s three houses down from the tree with a broken branch that looks like Paul Giamatti.”

Mansion: Adding yourself to their photos
Airbnb: Altering the photos of the Airbnb to look like a completely different and nicer place

Mansion: Slashing the furniture and curtains
Airbnb: Dulling the knives to be as effective as a block of wood

Mansion: Filling the room with a smell of sulfur
Airbnb: Making it smell as if a rat died on the other side of the drywall

Mansion: Taking small trinkets to use in luring them to their death
Airbnb: Stealing by having nonrefundable fees added at the end of their stay

Mansion: Creating footstep sounds in the middle of the night
Airbnb: Making the walls so thin they can hear when the neighbor rolls over in bed

Mansion: Leaving coins and collectibles from your time
Airbnb: Ensuring there are four shakers of cumin but no salt

Mansion: Taking over their body to control them
Airbnb: Leaving complicated checkout procedures to force them to do what you wish

Mansion: Creating a fog in a room
Airbnb: Unfogging a circle on the bathroom mirror to leave them thinking they were filmed

Mansion: Leaving visible ectoplasm all over the house
Airbnb: Making the ectoplasm visible only under a black light

Mansion: Pull a sheet over your head and float around the room
Airbnb: Same. It’s a classic, and you can’t give up all tradition, so don’t change a thing.