Flipolizeideige: Having misgivings about passing through airport security.
Ziternenlign: The phantom vibration that makes you wrongly believe your smartphone has rung.
Rizikfirmeawle: An incompetent corporation’s prosperity at taxpayer expense.
Sichzuchn: The act of googling one’s own name.
Kunstoidef: The realization that there is more critically acclaimed television than a busy person could possibly watch.
Anonsfarhalt: A considerable delay in Internet usage brought on by inadvertently clicking a banner ad.
Schpilenworfonver: Loss of Wii controller through vigorous swinging.
Schpaltnbreire: Distress that Best Buy’s stocking of two different movie formats reduces selection.
Luftyedieschnorer: Coffeehouse Wi-Fi hog who buys one small drink and watches hours of streaming video.
Shlimazlsikornfargaft: Incredulity that your children have no idea who Charlie Brown is.
Glosbenkschaft: The Proustian moment of nostalgia when drinking soda from a glass bottle.
Merselbikwider: Expression of dismay that all movies currently playing are sequels or remakes.
Mechtikgoymidkeit: Chuck Norris joke fatigue.
Schtendikentfern: A Facebook user who responds to every one of your posts, whether or not the response is germane or clever.
Tavltsar: Having buyer’s remorse upon realizing the iPad’s limitations.
Kinderschtusfargesnen: Reflexive dismissal of any text in the Comic Sans font.
Vonshtuppkomischzorge: Wondering whether, in the Obama era, Blazing Saddles is a) no longer funny, b) still funny, c) funnier.
Naikodeksgerangl: To have difficulty contriving a memorable and secure password on the fly.
Keienopkleibfargaft: Amazement at how many flavors of Orbit gum are available.
Drotfermeshreck: Creeping dread that Farmville is actually playing you.